Thursday, November 10, 2011


我的那些年, 应该就是这个时候吧
每天每天尽管跟朋友废话连篇,还记得有一次半夜mamak后还续摊到broga temple去夜游到清晨,现在回想真是sot sot dei.
回想起一些专属他的回忆, 学生时期真的是最适合搞搞暧昧,拍拍拖的时间啊。不过若当时没有说“好”,这些回忆或许能像柯景藤对沈佳仪的那么甜美,也或许现在还是朋友呢


不知道十年后别人对我的回想是怎样呢? 哎,羡慕沈佳仪哦~


finally, this movie has been released in Singapore and Malaysia. Don't bother the fact that I had to watch it by myself, and it costs more in SG, I watched it on the first official release day! (full length, without any cuts! so i watched ke jing teng's flat butts flashing whenever he is in the house. lol)

no point of watching if you don't have similar memory in the past? I disagree that. This movie actually gives out afew interesting messages:

1. a real loser is the one who do not throw himself into challenges but dislike the person who works hard to win
2. problems occurring in an early relationship: girls are always thinking more mature than guys! (so true)
3. will you remember what "LOG" is 10 years after graduating high school? No, but you still have to learn it, because you can never predict what is beneficial to you in 10 years' time. So drop the useless idea, and start working hard!
4. youth is not only about studying, you've gotta play hard too!!
5. the sweetest moments always stay with the "ai mei" stage, so don't say yes to a guy easily. That 's also the reason the image of shen jia yi is so beautiful in this story, because they did not go further into a relationship (= more quarrels!! might end up with bad memories eh)

There are more than you would expect from this movie! and possibly some "after math" too.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011



第一次目睹了完整的生产过程,从等待contractions的次数,到push push and push harder,还有把血淋淋的baby从那里给拉出来。说真的,我没预料这些画面会出现在电视上!!

还有,那个洞好大。想想它要扩张到让baby出来。。。。 好恐怖

为什么女生要承受这种痛苦?不只生产之痛,整个怀孕过程都得战战兢兢的,妈妈可能会得孕妇高血压,孕吐,便秘,身材走样,stretch marks等等

其中一位妈妈怀了个三胞胎,她被通知其中一个baby的情况不太稳定,破腹生产手术必须马上进行,比预期提前了一天。由于事情来得太突然,爸爸还没赶到,妈妈就被送去手术房了。baby们虽然安全的出世了,但是他们特别小,好脆弱,和别的baby不一样,他们被送到intensive care unit 里观察。 怀胎九月的妈妈最后只能透过透明的箱子,看着自己的baby, 还不清楚baby的状况,他无助的哭了。

p.s. 妈妈常说;女儿,最了解你的当然是我,因为你是我的一块肉

Friday, January 28, 2011

hello again, abu dhabi

3 more hours to go i think...

been to Burberry but stuff here is MORE expensive than UK stores.. possibly due to the currency exchange rate. so, sistar.. i have saved u 185pounds la

this is the 4th in abu dhabi, still i landed at night time, no sign of dessert can be seen

home.. i m on the way... still

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

feeling good

so that is 3.5 working hours to go, and the best thing is i will be watching counter + tutor is not in!!

go go go~

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

0.5 day to go!

hurray, i have survived the two working days before hdays!
not exactly passed by without any incidents.. well, i kena complaint by a customer.. T___T
oh well, i am a trainee, mistakes make perfect mah rite

day dream.. oppz i mean training day in leeds tomorrow, then another half day at work without tutor, the next day.. i shall pack my bags officially and head HOME!!!

to prepare myself with my habits back in msia, i downloaded My FM apps onto my mocha 2 days age. the 皇宫灿烂 has been my bed time entertainment, weird atmosphere though..

oh no.. feeling hungry!!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

2.5 working days, 5 living days to go

i simply cant wait another second to grab my bags, hit on the train, then air jet, and land on my home, Malaysia.

no CNY cookies, no angpao, no family reunion dinner, no praying in the temple, no etc etc for 2 bloody years!

guess working with boots and living alone have made me an easily agitated person...