Monday, July 6, 2009

LOL 00?: Super Junior "SORRY, SORRY"

Gosh, does anyone know why is this song so popular in Taiwan?? everyone started to do the dance move whenever u heard "sorry", as in literally a "sorry"! (even a-mei danced with that on a show!!! XD)

then i know why is this so popular, despite the group is really hot, the dance move is actually pretty simple!! (only for chorus part la.. strongly advice to refer to the video while following the steps!)

step 1: 搓汤圆
step 2: Make a "W" shape with your upper body
step 3: Slap your right foot with your left hand, and vice versa
step 4: Repeat step 3
step 5: Place your hands under armpits, and make a circular movement with your body

That's it!!! easy leh!!! muahaahaa.. and what i really really love about this song is bcos... the imitation is TOO hilarious!! to be honest, i enjoyed watching the imitated dance over the original ones.. XD don't believe in me?? make your own judgement then! hehez..

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