location: kuchai lama
friend of my dearest sister, alan, who is a makan-kaki to my sis and a really nice guy to mum. once he heard that lil sis of cat (aka myself) has come back to msia, he actually brought us out for dinner. and i never see him or even heard about his presence at all. undeniable, i suspected his intentions... hehez.. can't help it, my sis is just too attractive!!! X3
okay back to the FOOD..
this is a cantonese style restaurant. the boss is actually friend of alan. he is a chinese tea lover, hence comes the title of his restaurant. later on u will see the massive colelction of his chinese tea!!
we ordered...
according to mom, ppl who were poor in the old time, they used to have this rice with very diluted curry. cos they both are cheap.
haha.. xtra yellow lightings from sis's cam.. -.-
** highly recommended
overall, for people who are high tolerant to strong taste, this restaurant will definitely fit your stomach!! good service and reasonable price as well.
not to forget to order chinese tea, they are good as anti-oxidant and actually clean your taste buds after a heavy meal! hheheez
oh ya.. prince Kai and I actually went for the pre-makeover at shu-uemera in the day time. tadaa, this is the result...
overall, for people who are high tolerant to strong taste, this restaurant will definitely fit your stomach!! good service and reasonable price as well.
not to forget to order chinese tea, they are good as anti-oxidant and actually clean your taste buds after a heavy meal! hheheez
oh ya.. prince Kai and I actually went for the pre-makeover at shu-uemera in the day time. tadaa, this is the result...
to be continued.. yummelicious @ KL- - chapter TWO: Zanmai Sushi
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